Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James has a reputation for controversial remarks. Well, James has struck again. He's not a fan of the decision to prepare Osama Bin Laden's body for burial in accordance with Islamic customs and then bury the body at sea. An excerpt of his remarks: The body should have been put on public display - disrespected - defecated on - urinated on (all on video) and then thrown into a pig pen for consumption by 'unclean' animals. Then they could dump his sorry carcass into the sea................ unwashed, unclean heading to the Hell he justly deserves. In short, if Osama wanted an Islamic burial we should have given him the opposite and in public denying him his devout last wishes. Jibril Hough of the Islamic Center of Charlotte tells the Charlotte Observer that James should "check his own faith, his own soul." "He sounds like the radicals who would behead a body and set it on fire. It is unjust for a Christian, not just a Muslim, to treat a dead body in such a disrespectful, humiliating way."