With Ben Brock Johnson.
The depth of Russian interference in U.S. elections is deeper and darker than you know. A top reporter who has covered it all, reveals the chilling facts.
Jeff Pegues, Justice and Homeland Security correspondent for CBS News. Author of “ Kompromat: How Russia Undermined American Democracy.” ( @jeffpeguescbs)
Matt Dietrich, Spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections.
From The Reading List
The Los Angeles Times: Senate Panel Backs Up Intelligence Agencies, Says Russia Aimed To Help Trump In Election — “The committee’s statement is not a surprise — Burr and the panel’s Democratic vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner of Virginia — have both made previous statements supporting the intelligence community’s assessment. But the strong endorsement nonetheless marks a significant milestone in the continued debate over Russia’s role in the 2016 campaign.”
The New York Times: Trump and Putin Will Meet One-on-One in Finland, Officials Say — “There is no telling what Mr. Trump — a president who abhors long briefing papers and often disregards or defies the advice of his advisers — will choose to say while he is alone with Mr. Putin, a prospect that puts some of his aides and experienced diplomats inside and outside the government on edge.”
Read An Excerpt of Kompromat here
How much can you really know about a massive story involving a wide-reaching international conspiracy that started years ago and is still denied by some of the loudest voices in the world? Turns out…a lot. As we head into a scheduled tete- a -tete between Trump and Putin. Russian interference in the presidential election is top of mind for a lot of people. This hour, On Point: the reporter and author of a new book that puts together a sweeping, staggering picture of modern cold warfare. –Ben Brock Johnson.
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