The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Board of Trustees meets Monday to vote on final recommendations for the future of the library that will be presented to County Commissioners in the coming weeks. After six months' work the Future of the Library Task Force charged with studying the current library system and making recommendations for its future presented its final report to the Mecklenburg County Commission and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library Board of Trustees March 21. The task force recommended seeking an additional $2 million county funding, saying it would improve library system efficiency and prevent branch libraries from closing. If the system does not receive the funding, as many as six branch libraries could close. Following the task force's pesentation, the library and county boards joined forces and created a smaller work group to carefully review the task force's recommendations before making final recommendations to County Manager Harry Jones. Work group members included: Board of County Commissioners members Karen Bentley, Dumont Clarke and Harold Codgell, and Board of Trustees members Molly Griffin, Bob Sink and Darrel Williams. The Board of Trustees meets Monday, May 2, at 4 p.m. in the Dickson Board Room of the Main Library, 310 North Tryon St. in Charlotte. READ MORE March 17, 2011: "Library task force offers plan to keep all branches open" March 2, 2011: "$2M needed to keep six branch libraries from closing"