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Charlotte Talks With Mike Collins

Cancer Moonshot Update With VP Biden's 'Cancer Czar' And Charlotte's Cancer Research Contributions

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An examination of the vice president's "cancer moonshot," the goals, the challenges it faces, and how Charlotte fits in—as described by one of its leaders.

The Cancer Moonshot got its start during President Obama’s State of the Union Address earlier this year, with aspirational plans to “cure” cancer. Vice President Joe Biden was put in charge of that mission.

Earlier this month, Vice President Biden and the Cancer Moonshot Task Force released a report that is meant to serve as a blueprint for transforming cancer research and care. The report summarizes the work of the task force, and lays out the vice president’s strategic plan for transforming cancer research and care. The report also includes areas of scientific opportunity.

Don Graves is Vice President Biden’s hand-picked leader of the Cancer Moonshot Task Force. Graves is a long time advisor to the Obama administration. He's been tasked with bringing together researchers, advocates, policy makers, public and private sector stakeholders to work together to make gains in cancer research. He’s in town this week and guest host Michael Tomsic will talk to him about the task force's recommendations for moving towards a cure for cancer.

We’ll also talk to local researchers about some of the important cancer research happening here in the Queen City.


Don Graves, presidential advisor and leader of Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Task Force

Dr. Derek Raghavan, MD, president of Levine Cancer Institute

Dr. Jonathan Gerber, MD, director of the Leukemia Division in the Department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders AND Associate Director of Medical Operations at Levine Cancer Institute

Related Reading:

FACT SHEET: Vice President Biden Delivers Cancer Moonshot Report, Announces Public and Private Sector Actions to Advance Cancer Moonshot Goals

Joe Biden delivers cancer 'moonshot' recommendations

Can We Truly “Cure” Cancer?

Event: Don Graves speaks to the Women Executives Charlotte group on Oct 27. Info  at www.wecharlotte.org/news

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