Tuesday, June 23, 2020
How do we rethink America’s cities in the face of new calls for racial justice and a pandemic that encourages working from home and social distancing? Charlotte's city planner Taiwo Jaiyeoba shares his thoughts on how these two forces may shape the city's future.
Charlotte recently became the 15th largest city in the country by population, and we continue to grow as more people – younger people – move here.
Meanwhile, we're experiencing major social upheaval on two fronts. The coronavirus has forced people to work from home and socially distance, which runs counter to why people congregate in cities.
And calls for racial justice have put a spotlight on how urban planning has historically perpetuated segregation and inequity.
This has businesses and city planners rethinking things and Taiwo Jaiyeoba, Charlotte’s city planner, believes the Queen City has an opportunity here. We talk about his vision.
Taiwo Jaiyeoba, assistant city manager and director of planning, design and development at the city of Charlotte