Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021
Mayor Vi Lyles joins Charlotte Talks to discuss the city's most important issues.
Five years after the fateful LGBTQ protections ordinance issued by the City Council, and resulting in HB2, council has taken up those protections again — with a few changes. Monday night, Charlotte City Council unanimously approved the new nondiscrimination ordinance for Charlotte, a move other cities around North Carolina have already made. We'll hear what the mayor has to say about the historic ordinance.
Charlotte also has a new leader for its recently created Alternatives to Violence interrupter program. We'll ask the mayor about Belton Platt and what he'll bring to the program, the goal of which is to prevent violence in the Beatties Ford Road Corridor.
And we get the mayor’s impression of what rising COVID-19 numbers may mean for the city.
Vi Lyles, mayor of Charlotte