Title 42, the pandemic-era program that allowed the United States to turn back migrants at the southern border in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, has ended. Prior to Title 42, migrants had been allowed to cross the border to seek asylum in the U.S.
According to the Associated Press, under Title 42, migrants were turned away nearly three million times. That includes those turned away on multiple occasions. Families and children traveling alone were exempt from Title 42.
The Biden administration had tried to end Title 42 before, but Republicans sued arguing border security was at risk. Now the administration says it has policies in place to alleviate the situation. This past weekend, the first without Title 42, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said border crossings dropped by 50%.
However, there are still many people seeking asylum and cities across the country, including Charlotte, are preparing for a possible influx. Advocates are doing what they can to find a place for migrantsin order to prevent homelessness, but they also say the laws in North Carolina don't make for the easiest transition.
On the next Charlotte Talks, Mike Collins and our panel of guests discuss Title 42 and its impact on our area.
Kayla Young, a Report for America corps member covering issues involving race, equity, and immigration for WFAE and La Noticia
Jamilah Espinosa, immigration attorney with Espinosa Law
Deidre John, director of community outreach & engagement at Camino Health Center