90.7 Charlotte 93.7 Southern Pines 90.3 Hickory 106.1 Laurinburg
Charlotte Talks With Mike Collins

North Carolina Economic Forecast

North Carolina Economic Forecast Economics Professor and frequent guest, John Connaughton, joins the show to talk about the first economic forecast of the year. Professor Connaughton presents a state level forecast four times a year so we'll check in with him on the very latest news concerning North Carolina's economic present, recent past and a view of how the year ahead may turn out. On the federal level, lawmakers debate emergency spending bills to keep the government running. In North Carolina, lawmakers struggle with a several billion dollar deficit. Gas prices are on the rise, budget cuts are inevitable and the housing market remains sluggish. We'll look at the latest economic outlook for our state when Charlotte Talks. Guest John Connaughton - Director, Babson Capital Economic Forecast and Professor of Economics, Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte Add and read comments

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