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CLT Airport Spruces Up For DNC

An artist rendering of a steel and glass sculpture in the shape of a feather standing-on-end that will greet passengers driving

An artist rendering of a steel and glass sculpture in the shape of a feather standing-on-end that will greet passengers driving into the airport. Charlotte-Douglas Airport will be the city's first and last impression on most of the thousands of people expected here for the DNC in just over a month. A host of projects are underway to spruce up the place - new carpet, new taxis, new cell service and a 60-foot sculpture at the airport entrance. Aviation Director Jerry Orr says all of that would have happened eventually, but, "the DNC is an impetus. It's another reason to get on the ball and get it done now. And anytime you have guests coming you're gonna clean the house." Orr says a controversial move to restrict the number of taxi companies allowed to wait for airport passengers at the curb has improved cab service and reduced complaints. Crews are currently laying the foundation for a giant steel and glass sculpture in the shape of a feather standing-on-end that will greet passengers driving into the airport. Old carpet being removed from the airport is getting new life - the Habitat for Humanity ReStore expects to make $70,000 selling it.

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