Charlotte City Ordinance - Crowd Control Charlotte is gearing up for the Democratic National Convention and safety is a major factor. Cities hosting a national or international event often create policy to deal with large and diverse crowds and Charlotte is no exception. Recently the city council proposed a ban prohibiting anyone from carrying a backpack, duffel bag or a host of other items during the DNC. The ordinance would also ban camping, sleeping or storing property on public grounds. Supporters say the ordinance is needed to ensure the safety of all citizens but critics counter that such measures are aimed at Occupy Charlotte protesters and that the homeless population uptown will be unfairly targeted. We look at the ordinance in advance of a vote for its adoption. Guests Steve Harrison - Staff Writer, The Charlotte Observer Warren Cooksey - Councilman, Charlotte City Council Katy Parker - Legal Director, ACLU North Carolina How do you feel about this ordinance? Will it make the city safer or impinge upon freedom of speech and freedom to assemble? Add and read comments