Candidate ME
This podcast will not only bring you the latest news on the 2017 races, but we're also going to go past the crafted messages and public face of campaigns to show you the art, science and, yes, shenanigans of campaigning. The stuff behind the scenes. This is Candidate ME, a hypothetical campaign to be Charlotte's mayor.
Editor's Note: Candidate ME was last published in 2007. It still provides great insight into the process of running for office.
Lawmakers in North Carolina have long loved to (politically) party with the gerrymander. And both major parties are guilty of twisting districts to help…
Yes, this podcast could have stopped with episode 10. Instead we channeled our inner Spinal Tap and made this one "go to 11."Why? To talk about what…
With Election Day less than two weeks away and early votes already being cast, Candidate ME shifts into high gear. In this episode we introduce something…
We're back with a full length episode. And since Tom can't be picked for jury duty for another two years, we'll remain back for the foreseeable…
Have you noticed? Candidate ME hasn't been on the campaign trail this week. Host Tom Bullock puts on his (family friendly) limerick hat to explain why,…
WFAE political reporter Tom Bullock has a new podcast primarily tied to the Charlotte mayor’s race. It also delves into other municipal races.This week,…
In this episode, Tom breaks a campaign promise and asks our political gurus for their pick as the biggest broken political promise in Mecklenburg…
This week, we're saving the best for last. As in the last interview in this episode. It's a rare look inside the world of 'dark money' groups looking to…
Get ready folks, the 2017 election season is now officially underway. Which means dozens and dozens (and dozens) of candidates and their campaigns are…