"Slowly," the latest single from Son Lux's upcoming album Brighter Wounds,takes an unnerving look at life in the age of alternative facts and fake news. Set against spare beats and icy electronics, frontman Ryan Lott imagines a world where lies both undo society — while simultaneously allowing people to believe everything is okay.
"I know nothing better and nothing worse," sings Lott, "than how you twist your letters into words."
In a stark new video for the song, shot beautifully in black and white, director Alex Cook paints a not-so-distant dystopian future where "people transfer their negative memories to one another through a mysterious machine." The people rest like patients in hospital beds with their mouths tied shut, viscous recollections dripping from their ears.
"A lie is a drug," says Lott via email. "It treads the line between poison and medicine. 'Slowly' deals with the ability of untruth to evolve into reality, and then function as a drug. But can a lie be a salve? Must we always bear the burden of believing what is real?"
Brighter Wounds is due out Feb. 9 on City Slang Records.
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