Eliza Barclay
Whitney Houston's Super Bowl masterpiece, a man of many identities, the future of military food — and from The Guardian's archives, an extraordinary, gut-wrenching chronicle of the Delhi gang rape.
Which beer goes with guacamole? How can a brew complement spicy wings? Two craft beer experts share their favorite pairings and help us take our Super Bowl snack game to the next level.
Two new studies find that exposure to food advertising can lead adults and children to eat more and gain weight. The researchers say it's more evidence for why we need policies that restrict the ads.
Chef's Garden is a farm in Ohio growing vegetables to the specifications of the world's top chefs. It's a place where vegetables are artistic materials painstakingly tended and handled like jewels.
A few cities and states have proposed a health warning label on sugary beverages to inform consumers of their risks. A study finds such a label might have a significant impact on parents' purchases.
From big food companies simplifying ingredients, to the U.S. government's new goal to reduce food waste, to a public image crisis for Chipotle, 2015 has been a big year for food.
A British fruit historian convincingly argues in a new book that the pear is "the most exciting of the tree fruits." And she says it's time to revive pear culture and explore the fruit's diversity.
Marion Nestle's new book is Soda Politics: Taking On Big Soda (And Winning.) It reveals the industry's political and marketing tactics for protecting sales — and tips for advocates to fight them.
We think of tea as healthful, but from Morocco to Taiwan to the American South versions of it have become so sugar-laden that a regular tea habit might be just as unhealthful as a soda habit.
How do you transform 100 pounds of 60 varieties of tomatoes into a seven-course meal? It may sound like a math problem, but it's more a creative journey into the infinite possibility of the tomato.