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Gloria Hillard

  • Women now sit at the head of major studios. But a recent study shows that the number of women working in all other aspects of film remain woefully low. The numbers in TV are a bit higher.
  • Variety, the show business trade paper known for its punchy and playful language, celebrates its 100th birthday this year. Terms such as "striptease," "payola" and "soap opera" were coined in its pages, along with some boffo adjectives.
  • Gloria Hillard recently joined the growing ranks of self-published authors, and reports on the how self-publishing firms are answering a growing desire by writers to see their words in print — and get around the air-tight New York City publishing houses.
  • Tucked into the omnibus-spending bill passed in December was the repeal of a 34-year-old law that prohibited the slaughter of wild horses, including mustangs. Now, horse lovers are incensed, and the dispute divides cattlemen and wild horse advocates.
  • The popularity of reality TV has transformed anonymous people into virtual celebrities. Reporter Gloria Hillard looks at what reality television "stars" are doing after achieving some measure of fame, and how some attempt to extend their 15 minutes in the limelight.
  • Want a bigger house, a svelte figure or a gender change? It's possible in the online game "Second Life," where residents trade real money for virtual land, designer clothes and other trappings of a fantasy life.