Several Charlotte-area towns have new mayors, including Huntersville, Cramerton and Monroe. And Gaston County's last dry municipality voted to pop the corks and allow alcohol sales. Oh, and one Iredell County race will go to a tie-breaker in which a name will be pulled from a hat.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, council members and commissioners.
Huntersville Commissioner Melinda Bales will be the town's next mayor. She defeated former Mayor Jill Swain.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, commissioners and councils.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, council members and commissioners.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, council members and commissioners.
Offices on the ballot include: Water Board, town mayors, council members and commissioners.
Offices on the ballot include: Mecklenburg town mayors, commissioners and councils.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, council members and commissioners.
Offices on the ballot include: town mayors, council members and commissioners.