People leaving prison hoping to find a job and start a new life have a lot of challenges. In Charlotte, City Startup Labs works to make the transition easier by showing the formerly incarcerated how to start their own businesses.
You may think of stock photos as cheesy. You know, the staged pose, the fake backgrounds. But Charlottean Jenifer Daniels is trying to change that. Her…
A city immigration task force held the first of a series of listening sessions Thursday. The task force will make recommendations to the city council next…
School is out for summer and teenagers across the country are on the hunt for summer jobs. However, some Charlotte teens have skipped the job application…
Owning a business is an ambitious venture for anyone. But as a female business owner, there are particular challenges that one might face. In the late…
In all the gloom and doom that surround talk of our global economy these days, our guest today, economist Philip Auerswald, sees a ray of hope. That hope…
Last Wednesday was D-Day - Demonstration Day - for five tech entrepreneurs in Charlotte. They showed off their products to potential investors who…