Many SC lawmakers thought the issue was just about settled during a bruising special session last year that failed to change the 2021 state law banning abortions when cardiac activity is detected at about six weeks after conception.
The former South Carolina governor's new tone stands in stark contrast with April 2021, when she said she would not seek her party’s nomination if Trump were also running.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A Republican former South Carolina congressman is part of a lawsuit filed Tuesday over the state party's decision to cancel its GOP…
The South Carolina House of Representatives has taken a surprise step and killed a solar energy bill that passed a key vote last week.The bill removing a…
COLUMBIA, S.C. — The retiring CEO of one of two utilities that abandoned a nuclear power project in South Carolina argues against selling the pieces,…
Over the past three weeks, the Winthrop Poll has been carrying out an ambitious survey, gauging the state of race relations in South Carolina. Thursday,…
Darelene Mansfield has this request for her fellow South Carolinians, "Just bear with us, it’s just going to be a few more days. You’re only going to get…
A record number of South Carolinians cast ballots in the State’s GOP Primary. The result, three victory speeches and one candidate dropped out. Morning…
So much political mud is flying in South Carolina they may want to change the state bird. Questionable phone calls and accusations of photoshopped…
It’s become a well-known trope - a politician attacks the press for being biased, unaccountable, liberal. Now a Republican lawmaker in South Carolina…