Drinking water in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County met federal standards again in 2019, and regular testing also found no problems with unregulated…
People who live near Duke Energy's North Carolina coal ash dumps on Thursday marked 1,000 days of living on bottled water, amid fears that their wells are…
Duke Energy has withdrawn a request for state permission to use an additive at its coal-fired power plants that caused problems two years ago with…
Mecklenburg County's drinking water met federal standards for safety and quality again last year. That's according to the annual report out from Charlotte…
The ballot in Mecklenburg County this fall lists five pages of races, from president on down. At the very bottom is a race few know much about: Soil &…
Tests required by state and federal regulators have found no problems with lead or copper in Charlotte's water. Charlotte Water tested a total of 164…
Contractors over the weekend finished treating and discharging water at the U.S. National Whitewater Center. The center's rafting channel closed after an…
Updated 5:29 p.m.Workers began pumping chlorine into water below the rafting channel at the U.S. National Whitewater Center in Charlotte Wednesday, to…
The annual drinking water quality report is out from Charlotte Water, and it shows there’s nothing to worry about here.It definitely won't make the kind…
Ever since lead contamination in Flint, Michigan’s water began grabbing headlines, people have started wondering about their own tap water. Water systems…