"The Other Side of the Coin," a documentary, looks at complexities of race in America. Filmmaker Frederick Murphy and others will talk about how looking at our history can move us toward a better future.
View our a special conversation hosted by journalist Mary C. Curtis with Murphy and several of the people who appeared in the film about the fight for civil rights and the current state of race relations in the United States.
About The Host:
Mary C. Curtis, a former New York Times editor, a columnist for Roll Call and host of its "Equal Time" podcast, and a senior leader with The OpEd Project
About The Panelists:
+ Frederick Murphy, documentarian of "The Other Side of the Coin" and founder of "History Before Us"
+ Todd "Speech" Thomas, two-time Grammy Award-winning artist, known for his group Arrested Development
+ Alvin C. Jacobs, Jr., photographer and image activist
+ Susan Y. Marshall, picketer at Women's College in Greensboro, NC, in 1963
+ Rev. Ray McKinnon, pastor and activist
+ Bill Sizemore, author and journalist