A 17-year-old turned himself in Friday morning in the shooting of three teenagers. Anthony Williams is charged with three counts of assault with a deadly weapon.
The shooting occurred about 3 p.m. Thursday afternoon on Milton Road in east Charlotte. Police say Williams was in an argument with a group that included middle and high school students from nearby Cochran Collegiate Academy.
Captain Robert Dance says that's when he pulled out a handgun and started firing. Three teens were shot: two males and one female -- ages 15, 16 and 19.
"Certainly this wasn't a just an innocent group of people that were standing around when this individual started shooting," Dance says. "They met at this location because there was some feud or dispute between the parties."
Dance says he doesn't know what they were arguing about, but police have ruled out gang violence. The three victims were all treated for non-life-threatening gunshot wounds.