Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Charlotte women will join people around the country who marched this past weekend. This Saturday marks the 3rd year in a row Charlotte women have marched. This time it’s all about unity and we hear from organizers during this hour.
Women marched in Washington and around the country this past weekend. This Saturday, Charlotte women hold a march of their own for the 3rd year in a row. The Women United March is about unity and equality and organizers stress it isn’t just for white women – nor is it political. They hope to tamp down anger at Trump.
In advance of Saturday’s event, we sit down with organizers and a New York Times reporter to talk about what this march hopes to achieve and the impact of marches around the country.
Gina Navarrete, Communications Group Co-Chair, Charlotte Women’s March
Renee Hill, Board member, National Coalition of 100 Black Women Queen City, co-chair Women United March
Farah Stockman, reporter, New York Times