Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019
Programming note: This show originally aired January 23, 2019. Our originally scheduled show with Andrew Marantz, author of "Anti-Social" will be rescheduled to a later date.
Charlotte has been engaged in a community book discussion around Richard Rothstein’s book "The Color of Law." The book illustrates how laws and housing policy at all levels promoted discriminatory patterns that continue to this day. Mike Collins talks to the author and local organizers about what has resulted from the community discussions so far.
The purpose of the read is to engage Charlotteans in learning more about affordable housing, and the public and private policies that affect housing.
Rothstein’s book lays out a history of how the government’s role in housing policy has resulted in segregated communities for decades, and how those policies still affect communities today.
Charlotte community read organizers hope that this dialog will produce better decisions on affordable housing in the Charlotte region by learning from policy mistakes of the past.
Richard Rothstein, author of "The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America."
Rev. Dr. Ricky Woods, senior minister of First Baptist Church-West, and a former member of the Opportunity Task Force.
Peter Kelly, former banking executive who is now an advocate for social justice. He co-chairs the Myers Park United Methodist Affordable Housing Group and is a member of several other similar groups.
More information about other community discussions here.