The iconic Mr. K’s on South Boulevard in the heart of Charlotte’s South End is up for sale. The restaurant known for its burgers and ice cream opened more than 50 years ago.
The pandemic has been devastating to many in the service industry. Some restaurants and bars were forced to close permanently. But others in Charlotte were able to launch businesses during a recession and widespread safety restrictions.
One of Germany’s oldest breweries is planning to expand to Charlotte. The Charlotte Observer reports Hanover-based Gilde is planning a brewery that will…
The battle between craft brewers and distributors is escalating.The fight is over how much beer local breweries can sell on their own, without going…
It's a rare day that a polka song perfectly sums up a piece of legislation. Today is one of those days. If you're not humming "Roll Out The Barrel" just…
It’s harder to make hand-made soap than you might think—there’s chemistry, calculations, and patience. One woman does the whole process from her tiny…
Friday, September 26, 2014 Something started happening in Charlotte a few years ago that continued to brew and bubble and is now reaching a head: beer.…
The partial shutdown of the federal government isn’t just affecting government services in the Charlotte area. It’s also affecting beer and pizza.Before…
Beer lists are getting longer these days as more people pass up big names like Budweiser, Miller, and Coors for something more distinctive: craft beer.…