If you happen to be among the undead you are rotting at a great time because being a zombie has never been more popular. Zombies are everywhere, from literature to films and even in University classrooms. The Walking Dead continues to be one of the most popular shows on television and Charlotte itself has many zombie related events this year. On this Halloween day we will look at the history of the zombie, the incredible rise in popularity of the undead and the many iterations of zombies in popular culture. Tune in, even if one of your fingers fall off.
Shannon Bauerle - Part Time Lecturer, Woman’s and Gender Studies, UNC Charlotte
Adam Frazier - Film Critic and Freelance Writer with Geeks of Doom
Katie Bearden - Makeup Artist and professional actress
- Video: On the dark side of the topic, the drug known as 'bath salts' can induce zombie-like behavior. Warning: graphic images.