Note: This show originally aired March 15, 2023.
This past March marked three years since COVID-19 shut down the world, as everyone everywhere tried to stop the spread of the virus.
Though we aren’t in a shutdown any longer, COVID-19 is still with us.
Many people around the world have had COVID-19 at least once, with varying degrees of severity. And while the death toll has slowed, COVID-19's after-effects can be serious.
Some COVID-19 survivors have longterm, persistent symptoms that doctors refer to as long COVID.
We’ll find out more about what long COVID is, how it impacts patients and how doctors are treating it.
- Amanda Stauffer, long COVID patient
- Dr. Stephani Sutherland, a neuroscientist and science journalist who wrote about long COVID for "Scientific American"
- Dr. Coral Giovacchini, assistant professor of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, and a critical care specialist and pulmonologist with Duke Health