Fall is a time for festivals - this weekend the Festival of India celebrates the culture and food of that country. Last Spring, we visited with several Indians who have made their home here. We talked about the transition and what they’ve done to make Charlotte home. We’ve invited them back, this time to talk about how you can enjoy their festival. We’ll talk about art and dance and - Indian food - among other things.
Lal Vishin - Co-Founder and President of the India Association of Charlotte
Ritu Mukherji - Dance instructor who specializes in classical Indian dance, modern “Bollywood” and fitness dance
Divakar Shukla - Partner in Shukla Entertainment (India Cinema and media)
Balbir Singh - Owner, Zaika Restaurant
Satman Singh - Chef, Zaika Restaurant
The Festival of India is this Saturday and Sunday (Sept. 22 & 23) in Charlotte.