Editor's Note: You can watch the conversation on Facebook video.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020. Early voting is surging, and a record-setting number of absentee ballots have been cast. With Election Day just around the corner, we get info on everything you need to know to vote in this election from officials across the state.
This show is pre-recorded and originally aired Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020.
Early voting here and around the country is going gangbusters, outpacing 2016 election turnout. There have been some problems elsewhere but not in North Carolina where we saw record turnout on the first day of early voting and another record set for absentee ballots cast.
Believe it or not, there is still time to register to vote and to vote absentee — though time is running out.
Elections officials have been challenged with keeping the process safe during the pandemic and we’ll check in with several across the state to talk about that, and to share their plans for Election Day itself and reporting out the vote.
Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections
Michael Dickerson, director of elections, Mecklenburg County
Kristin Jacumin, director of elections, Union County