Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Join Charlotte Talks host Mike Collins for a special broadcast: "Coronavirus In North Carolina: The Statewide Impact Of COVID-19."
The coronavirus has had an unprecedented impact on our lives. All levels of government are trying to get a handle on the outbreak. Charlotte Talks' Mike Collins is hosting a special statewide broadcast examining the impact of COVID-19.
We join with North Carolina public radio stations WUNC in Chapel Hill, WFDD in Winston-Salem, WHQR in Wilmington and Blue Ridge Public Radio in Asheville for a look around the state.
We’ll speak with Gov. Cooper, as well as health and education officials, about how the mitigation efforts are going. We’ll also check in with various parts of the state to see how other towns are faring amid this crisis.
Roy Cooper, governor of North Carolina
Dr. Mandy Cohen, secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
State Rep. Craig Horn, chair of the North Carolina House education committee and education approproations committee
Special pieces from public radio partner stations across the state